Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Like most people i really like strawberries, as i was browsing through Twitter i noticed somebody had asked me a question on whether or not strawberries did whiten teeth, i looked for a while a found this article:

The secret behind Catherine Zeta-Jones pearly whites is using a fruit that most of us already have in our kitchen. Not only are strawberries good for you to eat, but they make an excellent natural teeth whitener according to the actress. After brushing teeth as usual make a puree of 3 to 6 strawberries then swab the mixture to teeth with cotton. After leaving it on for about 5 to 10 minutes. rinse it off with water. Apparently, there is something about strawberries that makes teeth white and it will likely freshen your breath too.

Give it a try make sure to let me know How it works out, i would recommend taking a before and after a few uses pictures, for reference!

I found the idea of this TIP really great!
If you have any request please leave it as a comment or tweet me!


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